Wednesday 4 May 2011

Feasting on Kate

My top foods for staying young, thin and pretty:

Green tea: Drinking this makes me feel so clean and healthy; and full! Perfect for drinking in between meals to stave off hunger; as well containing chemicals which supposedly increase metabolism. The anti-oxidant rich liquid is also excellent at keeping your skin soft and supple when drunk.

Skimmed Milk: Forget all the shit they tell you about skimmed milk being less healthy and containing less calcium, Nearly all the the vitamin and mineral content in milk is found in the watery part; not the fat.
 High in protein and and calcium, Milk is perfect for getting the body you want. Calcium blocks fat from being absorbed in your digestive system, while protein is essential for building muscle mass needed to remain healthy and accelerate fat burning. Milk is perfect for making you body beautiful.

Grapefruit: Babe of my life, the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world! Whether fresh slices or juice, grapefruit is my #1 food to be beautiful. Anti-ageing and Anti-weight gain this fruit is sexiest food in my mind, rich in anti-oxidants, spermidine (innit though) a chemical shown to slow the ageing process, and vitamin C. Vitamin C as you probably known is vital for staying healthy and not catching scurvy, but it is also important for maintain collagen within the skin keeping you young and beautiful, so eat plenty of this!
The grapefruit diet isn't famous for no reason- it works. Though going to this extreme may not be for you, grapefruit is an excellent weight loss aid, increasing the metabolism of fat! Go grapefruity!

 Seeing as this post is all about beauty, not aging and staying skinny, who is more appropriate to feature than our beloved Kate Moss, an excellent source of inspiration; note the claw jewellery and wide knit sheer shawl.

So beautiful, so outrageous; I NEED a sheer t-shirt, more torn jeans; bone, shell and claw bracelets and necklaces. Be inspired- Peace and Love people xoxo

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